Thigh Liposuction

Offered at our convenient location in Denver

Thigh Liposuction Millard Plastic Surgery

Thigh liposuction is a body contouring treatment that removes excess fat from your thighs for a slimmer, more athletic appearance. Stubborn thigh fat can make anyone want to hide their legs away. Thicker thighs can even make it difficult to fit into pants comfortably. If you have tried to address the fat on your thighs with diet and exercise but have not been able to accomplish the toned, healthy look you want, liposuction can put the finishing touches on your inner and outer thighs.

Liposuction at Millard Plastic Surgery has helped men and women restore their confidence in their thighs. Our patients come from the Denver area and beyond to eliminate their fat and sculpt their bodies, safely and effectively. After thigh liposuction, you can wear skirts, shorts, dresses, and swimwear again with confidence. Your results will not only look great, but they will also last.

Contact our office or call (303) 792-5665 to learn more about how liposuction can transform your inner and outer thighs into a smooth, slim shape.

About Thigh Liposuction

Thigh liposuction permanently eliminates fat cells from the body. It is minimally invasive, reducing downtime and allowing your surgeon to sculpt the inner and outer thighs for your desired look. Thanks to technological advancements, thigh liposuction dislodges and removes fat in ways that are both gentle and effective. Patients who maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle can enjoy slimmer thighs for years. If diet and exercise have left you unsatisfied with the size and shape of your thighs, liposuction is an effective way to achieve the aesthetic improvements you desire. In 2021, surgeons performed the effective procedure 491,000 times. (1)

If you want to sculpt your thighs, Millard Plastic Surgery is leading the way in surgical innovation and outcomes. Dr. John Millard played a critical role in advancing VASER liposuction technology by optimizing the VASER applicator to create the V5 probe design. He is an industry leader in fat elimination and body contouring; his deep understanding of the body and liposuction technologies has helped thousands of patients enjoy beautiful body contouring outcomes. Contact our office to learn more about how you can achieve smooth, contoured thighs with liposuction.

Types of Thigh Liposuction

The type of liposuction a patient receives will depend on several factors, including patient preference and the needs of their particular case. The top three liposuction methods among surgeons are:

VASER Liposuction (Ultrasound Liposuction)

The surgeons at Millard Plastic Surgery perform VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) to sculpt and slim the body. VASER liposuction is ultrasound-assisted. During the treatment, targeted ultrasound waves break down fat for easy removal. Your surgeon can perform the procedure using one-, two-, three-, or five-ring ultrasound probes. The design of these probes was optimized by Dr. Millard himself to reduce trauma to the body and improve sculpting outcomes. The ultrasound waves emulsify the fat but leave surrounding tissue, blood vessels, and muscles unharmed.

VASER ultrasound will also reach the superficial layers of the dermis to tighten the skin. With VASER Hi-Def, we can help you achieve toned, smooth, contoured thighs. We can also perform a fat transfer to add volume to another area of your body with 4D VASER Hi-Def. To learn more, see our blog about 4D VASER.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction

Laser-assisted liposuction, also known as SmartLipo, emulsifies and eliminates excess fat with the help of targeted laser energy. SmartLipo is a commonly performed type of laser-assisted liposuction (LAL). During the treatment, a small laser probe will melt stubborn fat pockets, making them easier to remove. The energy from the laser has the added benefit of modeling and tightening patients’ adipose (fatty) tissue. The heat stimulates collagen production in the skin, improving the quality of the skin overall. Laser-assisted liposuction can help patients achieve beautiful, tighter body contours.

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent fluid is a solution that contains saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine, or adrenaline. The fluid causes your fat cells to swell, making them easier to break down and remove with suction. It also reduces blood loss and improves patient comfort, thanks to its anesthetic effect from lidocaine.

Tumescent fluid can enable qualifying patients to receive thigh liposuction under local anesthetic, greatly reducing patient downtime. Your surgeon can perform tumescent liposuction as a stand-alone liposuction method. During tumescent liposuction, we will inject the fluid into the treatment area before removing the fat cells with suction. Tumescent fluid is frequently incorporated into other liposuction techniques as well, such as VASER liposuction, to improve results and healing outcomes.

Dr. Millard and his team offer standard thigh liposuction and circumferential thigh liposuction. We are happy to answer any questions you have about the different types of liposuction we offer and which will be best for your body.

Thigh Liposuction Benefits

The benefits of thigh liposuction include:

  • Increased body confidence: A smoother, slimmer, and more athletic body can help you feel better about your appearance.
  • Enhanced mobility: Removing excess fat can make exercise more enjoyable because you will feel more comfortable with your figure.
  • Balanced body proportions: If pockets of excess fat are affecting your proportions, we can remove them for a balanced look.
  • Increased clothing options: Removing excess fat from the thighs can help you enjoy more types of clothing that you previously felt uncomfortable in.
  • Aesthetic improvements: Contouring your thighs by removing fatty deposits can help you achieve a slimmer, more proportionate silhouette.

The procedure also has minimal downtime, meaning you can reduce pockets of unwanted fat without long surgical scars and return to your normal routine quickly.

Thigh Liposuction Candidates

Thigh liposuction is an ideal option for patients who would like a more attractive outer thigh contour. If you are struggling to achieve a thigh gap, no matter how many hours of inner thigh workouts you do, you can obtain your desired look with liposuction. Dr. Millard can target inner and outer thigh fat to help you achieve individualized, natural-looking outcomes. Candidates for thigh liposuction are those who:

  • Have lost the majority of their unwanted weight and are looking to address the remaining stubborn fatty deposits on their thighs.
  • Can maintain a stable weight and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Are in overall good health and free of existing health conditions that could affect their recovery.

Suitable candidates also have open-minded but realistic expectations about the outcomes they can achieve with body contouring. Liposuction is not a weight loss alternative. Although we cannot remove visceral adipose tissue (VAT) – a type of fat that sits deeper within the body, (2) we can contour your thighs by removing subcutaneous fat for a more athletic look.

Personal Consultation

Thigh Liposuction Millard Plastic Surgery

We will tailor your thigh liposuction treatment to meet your unique goals for your body. Patients will receive a private consultation with their surgeon to explore how thigh liposuction can eliminate their stubborn thigh fat. Our priority is your comfort. To keep you comfortable from start to finish, we make sure every patient is well-informed and confident about their treatment. During your private consultation, we will answer any questions you have about the procedure. Your surgeon will also perform a physical exam and an assessment of your medical history to make sure thigh liposuction is the best treatment option for you. Once they have a clear sense of your desired appearance, they will custom-tailor a liposuction treatment plan for you and your body.


To prepare for thigh liposuction, you will need to:

  • Prepare an area of your home for a comfortable recovery
  • Arrange for time off work
  • Ask an adult you trust to drive you home
  • Fill and pick up prescriptions for your recovery
  • Stop taking blood thinners (NSAIDS)
  • Cease smoking before the procedure

You will also need to prepare to take good care of your skin to allow your incisions to heal properly. Preparing to take proper care of yourself is essential for a full recovery.


Every thigh liposuction procedure is customized to the unique needs of the patient. The placement of your incisions, the extent of your liposuction, and the type of liposuction we perform will vary based on your treatment plan. Thigh liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that requires only tiny incisions and a slim cannula to perform. Based on the details of your treatment and your personal preferences, we may perform “Awake Liposuction” which you can safely receive under a local anesthetic to reduce your recovery time.

During your procedure, we will place you under anesthesia (the type of anesthesia you receive will depend on your consultation). Your surgeon will make a small incision to inject tumescent fluid into the treatment area. The fluid will cause the fat cells to swell, and they will use suction to remove stubborn fat. For patients who receive VASER liposuction, we can remodel the underlying thigh tissue to emphasize muscle definition, resulting in a more sculpted, toned thigh contour.


Our patients are consistently blown away with their beautiful, natural-looking liposuction results. Our advanced liposuction techniques improve patient outcomes and reduce downtime. Swelling and bruising may occur but will improve as you wear the compression garment that we provide after the procedure. You will need to wear the garment as directed to help your body settle into the best position possible. Keeping the thighs and buttocks raised over the first days of recovery can also reduce swelling and improve your results. Swelling and bruising usually diminish within three weeks of treatment. You will receive medication to help you manage any discomfort. You will only need to take a few days off work, and most patients can return to their usual activities three weeks after the procedure.


After three weeks, you will begin to see the final results of your thigh liposuction. The inner and outer thighs will be much slimmer and have a sleek, toned appearance. You will need to return for follow-up appointments to help your surgeon monitor your progress and ensure that you are comfortable and happy with the outcome.

Tired of hiding your thighs away? If you are looking to lose inner or outer thigh fat fast, thigh liposuction will enable you to enjoy your best body. Schedule a consultation at Millard Plastic Surgery to learn more today.

The Cost of Thigh Liposuction

The cost of thigh liposuction will depend on the unique details of your treatment plan. After your consultation at Millard Plastic Surgery, we will provide a cost estimate that matches the details of your personalized procedure. Contact our office or call (303) 792-5665 to learn more about how we can help you sculpt your thighs for a slimmer, more athletic look.


How can I slim down my thighs if I do not want to gain muscle?

If you are working out regularly but have not been able to accomplish your preferred thigh contour, you may be a good candidate for thigh liposuction. Thigh liposuction is a targeted, minimally invasive procedure that can slim and sculpt the inner and/or outer thighs.

Will thigh liposuction tighten the loose skin on my thighs?

No, thigh liposuction removes excess fat from the thighs to improve your body contour. The procedure is not designed to address loose skin. If you would like to tighten the skin on your thighs, we can perform a thigh lift.

Are the results of thigh liposuction permanent?

Although the results of thigh liposuction are long-lasting, if you experience weight changes from aging, lifestyle, or pregnancy you may need an additional treatment. Most patients can maintain their results for many years with regular exercise and a healthy diet.


  1. “Liposuction Complications in the Outpatient Setting: A National Analysis of 246,119 Cases in Accredited Ambulatory Surgery Facilities.” Aesthetic Surgery Journal. Open Forum, vol. 6, 28 Nov. 2023,,
  2. Mittal B. Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue & Visceral Adipose Tissue. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2019;149(5):571. doi: