VASER Breast Reduction
Offered at our convenient location in Denver

VASER breast reduction liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure for patients who want to decrease the size of their breasts. A larger breast profile can be both inconvenient and uncomfortable for many women. For some people, there are potentially debilitating symptoms, especially with extra strain on the neck and shoulders. Common complaints from women seeking breast reduction include back pain, neck pain, severe discomfort, unwanted harassment, and poor self-image. (1) Similarly, wardrobe choices for women with larger breasts can be limited and comfortable undergarments can be a challenge to find.
By removing a significant amount of fat from undesirable areas, liposuction can quickly reduce the size of your breasts and simultaneously fix any asymmetry problems. Our surgeons are dedicated to offering a compassionate approach, and beautiful results, so that every patient can achieve their cosmetic goals. If you are interested in finding out more about VASER liposuction breast reduction surgery, please call (303) 792-5665, or use our simple online form to get in touch today.
Addressing Larger Breasts
Breast enlargement can occur as a result of many different factors including aging, weight loss, pregnancy, and hormonal changes. (2) It can also be caused by conditions known as macromastia and gigantomastia, both of which describe excessive breast growth below and above the 5.5lb threshold respectively. Depending on the patient’s unique case, a breast reduction can be performed by using VASER liposuction, surgically removing excess glandular and fatty tissue, or using a combined approach.
Key Survey Findings
One cross-sectional study confirmed what many of us know already – that a lot of women with larger breasts are unhappy with them. It found that women with larger breasts were more likely to:
- Be embarrassed by their breasts
- Desire a change in their breasts
- Be dissatisfied with their bra fit
- Have upper back pain. (3)
Cosmetic surgery has repeatedly proven to be an effective, long-lasting way to sculpt the body, and a way to deal with larger breasts. Moreover, breast reduction liposuction can be a more convenient, less-invasive alternative to other, more involved mastopexy procedures.
How Is a Breast Reduction With Liposuction Different?
Reduction mammoplasty is the term given to the standard breast reduction technique. The surgeon achieves a smaller breast size for the patient by removing excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin. Unlike standard breast reduction techniques, breast liposuction only removes fatty tissue, and does not remove any glandular or fibrous breast tissue. Not every woman will be able to receive liposuction alone for their larger breasts, but for those that are good candidates, it’s an effective long-term solution!
Why is Liposuction a Good Choice for Breast Reduction?
- Simpler than other breast reduction techniques
- Faster procedure
- Shorter, less visible scars
- Lower risk of complications
- Easier recovery and aftercare (4)
Candidates for Breast Reduction with Liposuction
Women who are dissatisfied with their oversized breasts, and who have demonstrated negative physical and/or psychological symptoms as a result may be good candidates for a breast reduction with liposuction. However, not every person with larger breasts will be a good candidate for this treatment pathway. Many of our patients who receive liposuction alone to reduce the size of their breasts feel that their bust is not well proportioned in comparison to the rest of their body. This is particularly apparent for women with more petite frames, who have experienced significant back pain and muscle strain as a result of having a breast size that is incongruent with their body type. Liposuction is also an effective treatment for men with gynecomastia, or enlarged male breast tissue. You may not be able to receive liposuction treatment if:
- You have severe cardiovascular disease
- You are undergoing immunosuppressive therapy
- You have a blood clotting disorder
- You are pregnant
- You have unrealistic expectations for treatment
- You are allergic to the anesthetic used
Most importantly, patients should be aware that liposuction is a cosmetic procedure, not a weight loss surgery. As such, you should be at, or close to your ideal weight before undergoing breast reduction liposuction. To find out if a breast reduction with liposuction is a good fit for your needs, please contact us to book a complimentary consultation with one of our experts. Call our Englewood location at (303) 792-5665, or fill out a quick online form to get started with your inquiry.
Personal Consultation
Our medical experts are here to provide you with the highest quality service and treatment. To begin any treatment pathway, we will meet with you to discuss your issues in a private examination room. We will ask you to provide your medical history, and cosmetic surgery history if you have one. We will perform a breast examination, during which your breast measurements will be taken, and ptosis/abnormal size assessed. Please take this opportunity to ask any questions you have regarding the breast reduction procedure. If your circumstances are a good fit for a liposuction procedure, we will schedule your surgery date.
To prepare for liposuction surgery, our medical team asks that you do the following:
- Cease tobacco consumption. Nicotine and other chemicals in cigarettes and vape devices are known to constrict blood flow and impede recovery.
- Stop taking certain medications. Until otherwise directed by your doctor, stop taking blood-thinners, NSAIDs, and supplements.
- Get a good night’s sleep. Come to the office well-rested and ready for treatment.
- Appoint a trusted adult to drive you. Depending on the anesthesia type used, you may still be under its effects after your procedure is complete. Therefore, it’s required to have someone drive you home.
Breast Reduction Procedure
As with other liposuction procedures, breast reduction liposuction is a simple, minimally-invasive procedure. Your surgeon will begin by marking areas to map where the small incisions will be placed. Usually, tumescent fluid is introduced into the area and the entire process is performed under local anesthesia. Tumescent fluid is a solution which contains lidocaine, a pain reliever and numbing agent. Then, suctioning of fat takes place using a specialized suction device called a cannula. The surgeon positions the cannula at the necessary depth inside the incision, and moves the thin tube around the area evenly to remove fatty tissue. They will also compare the breasts and ensure symmetry. We will furnish you with a special compression garment once your surgery is complete to aid healing.
Recovery from a breast reduction procedure using liposuction alone is much faster than standard breast reduction techniques. This is because the incision points for cannula insertion are much smaller. The small scars are also effectively disguised due to their location. There will be some swelling and bruising in the breast and surrounding tissue. We will provide pain medication where required to help to reduce any discomfort.
Most patients can return to their regular daily activities and resume work in 3 to 5 days. After three weeks, you can start full exercise again with suitable support. It is important for patients to wear proper support over the 6-month healing period. This is to enable the tissue to recoil and settle naturally and to maximize ptosis correction. (4)
Most patients will notice an immediate change in breast size after their breast reduction procedure, though there may be some residual swelling. Final results will occur after around 6 months, when your newer, more shapely breast contour will be fully realized.
Corresponding & Complementary Procedures
If excess fat is causing trouble in more than one area, consider one or more of these surgeries alongside your breast reduction liposuction.
Abdominal Liposuction
An abdominal liposuction procedure can permanently remove fat cells from the body. If diet and exercise are getting you nowhere with shifting stubborn belly fat, speak to our expert surgeons about a combination breast reduction and abdominal liposuction procedure.
Brazilian Butt Lift
If you’re seeking an “hourglass” figure, and you’ve reduced your breasts to a more manageable, aesthetic size, consider a BBL at Millard Plastic Surgery. We carefully remove fat from another area of your body, treat it, then reintroduce it to your buttocks, creating a more striking silhouette.
Cellulite Reduction
If you’ve struggled with large breasts, the chances are you also have cellulite on your buttocks, thighs, or hips. And, if you do have it, you’re not alone! Using laser technology, we can reduce your cellulite for smoother, more youthful-looking skin.
Please discuss your interest in any corresponding or complementary procedures at your personal consultation.
Cost of Breast Reduction Surgery in Denver
Every patient’s individual needs are different, so procedural costs may vary from patient to patient. At Millard Plastic Surgery, we believe in honest, transparent pricing. So, you’ll be given an accurate quote for your breast reduction following your personal consultation. For any inquiries regarding our cosmetic surgery services, please call our Englewood office at (303) 792-5665 so we can assist you further.
Don’t forget to like and follow us on Instagram and Facebook, and read our informative blog for more beauty tips, surgical services, and treatment advice!
Does a breast reduction with liposuction remove any breast skin?
No, a breast reduction with liposuction alone does not remove anything more than fat cells from within the breast. However, some breast reduction surgeries combine liposuction with additional excision of skin and other tissue.
Do the nipples get repositioned in a breast reduction with lipo?
No, liposuction surgeries for breast reduction do not include repositioning of the nipples. These surgeries are usually performed on patients who have disproportionate breasts in comparison to the size of the rest of their body. In most of these cases, a surgeon will remove the fat alone via small incisions on the underside of the breast. These are the only incisions made in the entire procedure if the breast reduction is through liposuction alone.
- Chopra, K., Tadisina, K. K., & Singh, D. P. (2013). Breast Reduction Mammaplasty. Eplasty, 13, ic59.
- Martinez, A. A., & Chung, S. (2021). Breast Ptosis. PubMed; StatPearls Publishing.
- Spencer, L., Fary, R., McKenna, L., Jacques, A., Lalor, J., & Briffa, K. (2020). The relationship between breast size and aspects of health and psychological wellbeing in mature-aged women. Women’s Health, 16, 1745506520918335.
- Moskovitz, M. J., & Baxt, S. A. (2004). Breast Reduction Using Liposuction Alone. Seminars in Plastic Surgery, 18(3), 225–229.