Best Lipo Repair in Denver
Offered at our convenient location in Denver
At Millard Plastic Surgery we specialize in liposuction techniques. We offer many lipo procedures to help patients obtain their best appearance! Dr. John Millard is at the head of our staff and is a board-certified plastic surgeon. He has studied many cosmetic techniques to provide his patients with incredible, natural appearing improvements.
Dr. Millard has developed techniques and technology that are used today in liposuction procedures. He is well experienced and has been recognized as an excellent liposuction surgeon.
At Millard Plastic Surgery, we provide our patients with attention to detail and excellent care. For expert care and a liposuction repair specialist, consider your correction procedure at Millard Plastic Surgery in Denver, Colorado.
About Lipo Repair
Lipo repair often involves not only removing fat that was left behind during the initial procedure (under resection) but also placing fat back into areas where too much was taken (over resection).
Dr. Millard is an excellent liposuction doctor who is committed to helping you achieve a beautiful result. He helps patients who have had bad experiences or unsuccessful treatments and transforms the procedure.
First-time liposuction treatments do not always go according to plan. This can be due to a number of factors, such as the particular lipo treatment, recovery period or surgeon performing. It is very important to perform lots of research on treatment types and surgeons near you to perform liposuction.
A liposuction revision treatment will help to improve the previous surgery as well as boost your self-image. Any cosmetic surgery takes an emotional toll to undertake, to have the surgery go wrong is impactful.
We offer a minimally-invasive solution to help you feel comfortable in your body and beaming over your results!
With the experts at Millard Plastic Surgery, you will quickly achieve a beautiful result!
A lipo repair treatment can help you regain the body goal you were trying to achieve. If you have undergone a liposuction procedure and are displeased with the results, we are here to help you. Our multitude of various techniques will help us develop a treatment plan that undoes any mistake and will enhance the results. For your best outcome, we will provide a solution to truly transform you!
Liposuction Options
At Millard Plastic Surgery we offer many liposuction procedures such as Vaser Hi Def Lipo, 4D Vaser Hi Def Lipo, and SmartLipo.
Vaser Hi Def Lipo
This lipo procedure is a revolutionary procedure in the liposuction field.
Vaser Hi Def Lipo improves upon the classic lipo technique of aspiration. Classic lipo is performed with a cannula and aspirator that removes fat cells with an aggressive back-and-forth wrist movement. Unfortunately, this procedure commonly damages the surrounding tissue and can create lengthy recovery periods as well as uneven results. The Vaser Hi Def Lipo uses the classic method but with a different technology to provide incredible results with little downtime.
The procedure implements ultrasound technology to target fat cells without damaging surrounding tissues.
One, two, three or five ring ultrasound probes will be used to emit sound waves and gently remove unnecessary fat cells. Dr. Millard himself created the 5-ring probe to remove more fat quickly. This is a safe procedure that can effectively remove the upper and deeper layer of subcutaneous fat. Vaser Hi Def Lipo allows for large amounts of fat to be removed as well as help shape the fat to define your body and enhance your appearance. The treatment will also help tighten your skin to give you smooth results. This effect is often referred to as a “shrink-wrapping” effect.
Overall, this treatment boasts less bruising and blood loss than other liposuction treatments and helps to shorten the recovery period!
4D Vaser Hi Def Lipo
This liposuction treatment uses the Vaser Hi Def Lipo techniques but has the added bonus of fat grafting. Dr. Millard uses this method to remove and relocate fat to enhance the tone and definition of your contours.
The process includes fat being removed, purified and then reinjected to a predetermined area of the body. Many patients use this procedure to enhance their chest, calves or buttocks.
This procedure can be performed to help correct divots or areas of overresectioned fat from a previous treatment and improve the results. Fat grafting often recontours the whole body and is an impressive way to transform the way you appear!
SmartLipo is a form of laser liposuction and is a groundbreaking technique to safely and strategically remove fat. SmartLipo Triplex offers three wavelengths to remove different layers of fat and produce the body goals you desire.
The heat from the laser allows for precise fat reduction and coagulates blood vessels to reduce bleeding. This allows for the recovery period to be minimal.
An advantage of SmartLipo is that it will equally distribute fat to reduce the risk of irregular surfaces or concavity. This procedure is an excellent option to improve a procedure that reaped non-ideal results.
Consult with Denver’s Premier Body Sculpting Specialist
He will examine the treated area and develop a plan with you to correct it. He will likely share liposuction revision before and after photos to show you his skills and how effectively he can improve the previous surgery.
Dr. Millard will discuss your liposuction options and together you will create a treatment plan that addresses your concerns and achieves your original goal. This is a great time to ask questions. Some patients write down their questions and concerns and bring them to the private meeting. We have listed some common questions below that should help stimulate new questions.
- How long will the procedure be?
- Will new incisions be made or will the old ones be re-opened?
- Will there be a lengthy recovery period?
- How much time should I ask off from work?
- Are there liposuction before and after photos I can see?
These questions should help you navigate the consultation. If any more questions or concerns occur to you after the personal consultation, please give us a call so one of our staff members can assist you. Dr. Millard will then instruct you on how best to prepare for the procedure and recovery process.
Plan to stay at home for a couple of days. Make a recovery area for yourself that has lots of blankets, pillows, high protein snacks, medications, and entertainment all within arms reach.
Prior to your surgery, you will want to pick-up any medications prescribed by Dr. Millard. You will need to arrange for someone to pick you up and drop you off after the procedure.
The morning of your surgery, take a shower and wear comfy clothes that will not apply unnecessary pressure to your treated area.
For your best procedure, follow the instructions Dr. Millard discussed with you during your private meeting.
When you arrive at your procedure, the surgical team will greet you. You will change clothes and your treatment area will be cleaned and marked for surgery. Your chosen anesthesia will be administered. Dr. Millard will then strategically apply the predetermined cannula and carry out your preferred method of lipo. Once the previous treatment has been corrected, the incisions will be closed and bandages applied.
The procedure may take a few hours depending on the extent of work needed.
When you leave your lipo repair surgery, the treated area will be swollen and sensitive. Any discomfort can be managed with pain medication. Strenuous activity and any actions that may irritate incisions will need to be avoided for a few weeks.
A compression bandage may need to be worn to help diminish swelling and help your body adjust to its new, improved contours.
Follow-up appointments will ensure that your recovery is going well and your final, corrected results achieve the goal you desire.
You will notice your improved results right away! Swelling will decrease and the contours of your body will adjust over the following weeks. Your end results will be impressive and should set in after three to six months. With a maintained weight and healthy lifestyle, your results will last years!
You deserve to look your best. If a previous liposuction procedure did not provide the results you desired, search for “best liposuction near me”, if you are in the Denver, Colorado area, schedule a consultation with Millard Plastic Surgery Center.
Cosmetic surgery is meant to enhance your natural beauty and leave you feeling amazing! If you are interested in Dr. Millard’s advanced techniques and incredible results, call us today at (303) 792-5665.