Liposuction for Gynecomastia

Offered at our convenient location in Denver

Liposuction for Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is the visible or palpable development of male breast tissue. Male breast development can occur at any age, though it is most common during puberty and middle age. Regardless of the cause or severity, gynecomastia can significantly affect an individual’s self-confidence and quality of life.

And as the most frequent breast-related disorder affecting males, accounting for 65% of total male breast conditions,  [1] many men choose to remove excess tissue every year. At Millard Plastic Surgery Center, our board-certified surgeons tackle the delicate and sensitive topic of gynecomastia with their male patients in Denver. Our team knows what the successful completion of gynecomastia surgery can mean for men who have struggled with self-esteem issues due to enlarged breast tissue

Don’t suffer a day longer. Contact us at (303) 792-5665. You can also reach us by filling out our online form. We look forward to helping you live your best life!

Before and After Photos

About Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia will affect around 30% of men in their lifetime, [2] in one breast or both. This can cause physical discomfort, embarrassment, and psychological distress. Therefore, it is essential to talk to a board-certified surgeon if you are interested in reduction, and they can work with you to identify the best treatment plan. A diagnosis can be made by physical examination where breast gland tissue (firm) can be differentiated from adipose tissue (soft). Breast prominence due to excessive adipose tissue is called pseudo-gynecomastia or lipomastia.

What Causes Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is caused by an abnormal hormone ratio of estrogen (female sex hormone) to androgen (male sex hormone). This can be the consequence of more estrogen production, less androgen production, or both. [2] It can also be caused by:

  • Diseases associated with hormonal imbalances – cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, testicular tumors, and Klinefelter Syndrome.
  • Using certain medications and substances such as steroids, marijuana, alcohol, and opiates [3]

Glandular breast tissue can go away without surgical intervention, but this is most commonly seen in puberty. However, once gynecomastia has been present for longer than a year, it is unlikely to resolve spontaneously. And although pubertal gynecomastia often resolves within 1 to 3 years after onset, adult onset gynecomastia does not necessarily do so. 


A Gynecomastia reduction procedure is the most effective way to treat gynecomastia. It is usually recommended for more severe cases.

Benefits of surgery include:

  • Improved self-confidence
  • Improved body image
  • Reduced discomfort
  • A more masculine chest contour
  • A more aesthetically pleasing appearance

With a healthy lifestyle, patients can permanently eliminate gynecomastia with this surgery.

Ideal Candidates

Generally, candidates for gynecomastia reduction  are men who are in good physical health. They should also have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery and be willing to follow the postoperative instructions prescribed by their doctor. Generally, people with any of the conditions mentioned earlier that cause Gynecomastia may be suitable candidates for this procedure.

Patients for surgery should not be smokers, taking hormonal medications or steroids, or suffering from any serious medical conditions that could have an adverse effect on the procedure. If you are considering reduction gynecomastia, you must consult a board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure that you meet all of the necessary criteria.

Personal Consultation

A consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is the best way to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure. With their expert insight, you can make an informed decision about your treatment plan. Your medical history is of the utmost importance because it allows us to examine why gynecomastia has occurred. After a thorough physical examination, your plastic surgeon will discuss your surgical options and risks. Please make sure you provide a list of all medications you use. Hormonal studies, although sometimes helpful, are not mandatory.

We will also discuss the recovery period and what it entails.

Gynecomastia surgery is a safe, effective way to reduce the prominence of enlarged breasts in men. Contact our Denver office at (303) 792-5665, to get started. You can also reach us by filling out our online form


Before scheduling your gynecomastia surgery, there are a few things that you should do to ensure the best possible outcome:

  • Stop smoking completely on the advice of your surgeon 
  • Stop taking medications that could interfere with the healing process.
  • Maintain a stable weight before your surgery.
  • Eat a healthy diet full of lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits

Follow any other instructions your doctor gives you to minimize any potential risks or complications associated with the surgery. During your pre-operative appointment, you will receive a full list of instructions you must follow to ensure the best possible outcome.

Liposuction with Skin Tightening for Gynecomastia

Undergoing a VASER liposuction procedure to address gynecomastia is simple. It not only removes adipose tissue, but also tightens surrounding skin. In most cases, the incisions for this operation can be placed very discreetly, leaving just a tiny scar on both sides of the chest.

Firm fibrous glandular tissue extends from the nipple-areolar complex down to the surface of the pectoral muscle beneath. The standard procedure removes fat, glandular tissue, or both from the breasts and, in severe cases, removes excess skin. If the male breast is caused by mainly adipose tissue, then VASER liposculpture alone may suffice.

Reduction Mammoplasty

Reduction mammoplasty is indicated when a patient has grade 4 gynecomastia and it involves a large incision across the chest. In some cases, gynecomastia is treated with resection of the excess breast tissue, but chest liposuction is also very effective. 

Recovery After Surgery

You will wear an Under Armor-type compression shirt for three weeks. Mild swelling is expected, especially as you become more active. Light activity, such as walking, can be resumed on the first day after surgery. Generally, patients are asked to avoid strenuous activity at the beginning of their recovery. Typically patients take 5-7 days off work and three weeks out of the gym. You should avoid heavy lifting for the first few weeks after surgery, and follow your post-surgery instructions carefully. 

The degree of swelling after gynecomastia surgery will depend on how the procedure is performed and how quickly your body heals. For example, swelling tends to be greater with larger areas treated, especially with liposuction surgery. Generally, however, swelling tends to be mild to moderate, and well tolerated. Long-term, you can return to all exercises and activities after gynecomastia surgery. Most patients will return to work within a week, although some may need two weeks off, depending on the nature of their employment. 


Men will see a flatter, firmer, and better-contoured chest they will be happy to show off at the beach, pool, and in the bedroom. Most patients report a dramatic improvement in self-esteem and confidence after the procedure.

Gynecomastia surgery offers men a safe, effective way to improve their physical appearance and regain confidence. With proper care and follow-up, the results of this type of surgery can be expected to last for many years.


The cost of gynecomastia surgery varies depending on the complexity of the procedure. The cost typically includes anesthesia fees, facility fees, surgeon’s fees, and other related costs.

During your consultation, your surgeon can provide you with an estimate of the total cost, including all applicable fees. We offer financing options so patients may have the option to pay for the procedure in installments.

Choosing a qualified plastic surgeon specializing in this procedure is essential if you are considering surgery to remove ,male breast tissue. Millard Plastic Surgery Center has board-certified plastic surgeons experienced in performing gynecomastia surgery for men living in Denver, and beyond.

Contact our office to learn more about the benefits of this procedure and schedule a consultation today! Call (303) 792-5665 or fill out our convenient online form to book your visit with us.

Read the Millard Plastic Surgery Center blog for more details about our surgical services.


Why do some men develop breasts?

There are many underlying reasons for male breast development. These include your genetics, prior steroid use, and marijuana use.

How long does gynecomastia surgery take?

Surgery to remove male breast tissue takes between 2-3 hours to complete.

What anesthesia will I need for reduction mammoplasty?

Gynecomastia surgery can be performed while a patient is under local anesthesia in our minor procedure room or in the OR under general anesthesia.


  1. Simon Be, Hoffman S, Kahn S. Classification And Surgical Correction Of Gynecomastia. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1973;51(1):48-52. doi:10.1097/00006534-197301000-00009
  2. Polat S, Cuhaci N, Evranos B, Ersoy R, Cakir B. Gynecomastia: Clinical evaluation and management. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2014;18(2):150. doi:10.4103/2230-8210.129104
  3. Goldman RD. Drug-induced gynecomastia in children and adolescents. Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien. 2010;56(4):344-345. Accessed December 22, 2022.