At the Millard Plastic Surgery Center, we specialize in the most advanced forms of liposuction.
Liposuction is a cutting-edge body sculpting technique that is helping our patients look and feel their best. As one of the premier body sculpting centers in Denver, MPSC is pleased to offer Vaser liposuction, a state-of-the-art fat reduction technology that delivers beautiful, natural results and unmatched levels of customization.
Liposuction was first developed in the 1920s when a surgeon known as Charles Dujarier used suction to remove fat. This basic technique was further perfected in 1974 by Arpad and Giorgio Fischer. They improved upon the 1920’s technique by inventing a special tool to remove the fat – a cannula. This device is a thin hollow tube made of metal and allows for effective fat removal.
Liposuction has been further improved and perfected over the years. One of the most advanced evolutions of liposuction is called VASER liposuction. VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. Vaser lipo is a specialized form of ultrasound technology. Ultrasonic frequency waves are emitted from a device to break down stubborn pockets of fat. Dr. John Millard himself is a recognized innovator of Vaser technology and instrumentation. With intimate knowledge of the tools being used in Vaser, he can provide you with a safe surgery and impressive results.
During Vaser lipo surgery, fat is broken down prior to extraction. The energy from the ultrasound device breaks apart the fat cells and allows them to be removed quickly and more efficiently. This technique benefits both lipo surgery and recovery. The less time Dr. Millard has to spend removing fat the less amount of trauma that occurs to your tissues, therefore your downtime is shortened and the recovery process is more comfortable.
Vaser liposuction is one of our most popular treatments. We are often asked questions like the ones listed below.
What is Vaser?
Vaser liposuction is an advanced form of body contouring that uses ultrasonic energy to break apart fat cells. A cannula is then used to remove the cells from the problem area. This treatment is often paired with tumescent fluid to achieve the best results. Tumescent fluid is a mixture of lidocaine and saline. This fluid is administered to the treatment area prior to fat removal. The fluid swells the treatment areas and constricts blood vessels. This allows for less blood loss during the surgery and results in diminished post-surgery bruising. An added benefit of tumescent fluid is the air bubbles present in the liquid. These bubbles react to the soundwaves. Fluctuations in size allow the bubbles to gently dislodge fat cells. In traditional liposuction methods, the cannula is used to break apart fat cells. The gentle movement of the air bubbles allows less trauma to surrounding tissues like muscle and skin. Vaser is a cutting-edge technology that is helping men and women achieve their body goals and feel their best!
How much does Vaser lipo cost?
Vaser liposuction is a highly customizable procedure. We take your health seriously and will learn all about your past procedures and current lifestyle to make a decision on your healthiest surgery option. A treatment plan is made in consideration of your body and desired outcome.
Due to the highly personalized level of the procedure, each patient will have their own unique treatment cost. A cost breakdown will be reviewed during your consultation so that you are 100% confident and comfortable with your procedure choices.
Does Vaser Lipo tighten skin?
Yes! Vaser lipo provides moderate skin tightening. Many patients who are interested in body contouring are also interested in tightening the skin of the treatment area to maximize sculpting. Vaser does both! This treatment will help your skin grow more taut and allow it to be healthier.
How does Vaser Lipo work?
Vaser lipo is a precise body contouring procedure that first administers tumescent fluid to prepare the area. This fluid will constrict blood vessels and make fat cells more accessible. The Vaser device will then be applied and emit sound waves. These vibrations will cause the bubbles to change size rapidly, causing fat cells to be gently dislodged from the skin and muscles. Unwanted fat cells and tumescent fluid are then removed from the body. Dr. Millard will artfully sculpt the body with the eye of an artist and the hand of a trained surgeon.
How dangerous is liposuction?
Liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure that is not considered dangerous when performed by a board-certified surgeon like Dr. Millard. His level of expertise has made him one of the most in-demand liposuction surgeons in the Denver area. Dr. Millard provides world-class results and personally meets with his patients during their consultation. This meeting allows him to learn about your health history, examine your problem area(s) and create a treatment plan with you that is personalized to your features and goals. If Dr. Millard does not believe Vaser lipo is the best possible treatment for you, he will not suggest it. If Dr. Millard finds that liposuction is a good fit for your health and the aesthetic you want to achieve it will be up to you to plan out the surgical date. We want you to look and feel your best and will help you choose the best plan for your goals.
How much does it cost to get liposuction on your stomach?
A very popular area to be treated with Vaser lipo is the abdomen. This location of your body is known to collect stubborn fat. Many men and women have difficulty slimming down stomach fat and achieving a flat stomach or abs. Vaser lipo will meticulously remove fat in this area and help the underlying muscle contours to be shown off. Due to the level of customization that is poured into a liposuction procedure, the cost of each treatment will be unique to the individual patient. A cost breakdown will be detailed during your consultation so that you can be aware of the prices involved.
How long does it take to recover from liposuction?
Recovery timelines differ for each patient. More extensive procedures, such as combining two treatment areas, will require more downtime because they require longer surgery time. The average amount of downtime for our patients is typically about a week. Some patients only require a few days of downtime! During your downtime, you will want to focus on drinking plenty of water and getting lots of rest.
What is liposuction surgery?
Liposuction surgery is a cosmetic procedure designed to reduce fat in the body and slim down areas such as the abdomen, legs, back, arms, and even small areas such as beneath the chin. Liposuction is one of the most popular body contouring procedures today.
What is the difference between Vaser Lipo and liposuction?
The primary difference between Vaser lipo and traditional liposuction is the technology. Traditional liposuction uses a cannula and aspirator (suction device) to remove fat cells. Whereas, Vaser liposuction implements a cannula, aspirator, and an ultrasonic device to break up and withdraw fat cells. Both techniques will remove unwanted fat cells but Vaser technology allows for a more simple extraction and shorter downtime. Advanced Vaser technology paired with Dr. Millard’s expertise ensure beautiful results that are long-lasting!
What are the side effects of Vaser liposuction?
As with any procedure, there are potential side effects. Dr. Millard will take the time to teach you all about Vaser liposuction, answer your questions about the procedure and address any concerns you may have during your personal consultation. This meeting is all about educating you on any risks associated with Vaser as well as the benefits it provides. Vaser is a breakthrough treatment in regards to traditional liposuction and is helping men and women achieve their ideal appearance more comfortably and with less downtime than traditional lipo surgery.
What is better, Vaser lipo or Smart Lipo?
Vaser lipo and Smart lipo are each cutting-edge techniques that help contour the body and help slim down problem areas. Vaser lipo uses ultrasonic technology to enhance the surgery experience and impact results. SmartLipo uses laser technology to improve treatment and create long-lasting results. The precision of these treatments allows Dr. Millard to finely sculpt the body and allow you to achieve impressive results even in small areas – such as the inner thighs. An added benefit of these treatments is that they create localized skin tightening in the specific treatment areas.
Vaser liposuction and SmartLipo are each great methods to sculpt your body and help you look your best. Both Vaser and Smartlipo will remove stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to exercise and diet.
We prefer Vaser when it comes to almost all cases because it has proved the most effective at fat removal, skin tightening and producing smooth results.
Dr. Millard has been performing these techniques for years. Look through our liposuction before and after photos to see how Dr. Millard is improving the lives of our patients. If you have stubborn fat that just won’t go away, schedule a consultation with Dr. Millard by clicking here. He will help you determine whether Vaser or SmartLipo is your best solution. Together, you will create your ideal treatment plan that yields impressive results!