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VASER Hi Def Thighs, Knees, Calves, & Ankles

VASER Hi Def has proven itself as an ideal method of eliminating stubborn fat from the inner and outer thighs, knees, calves, and ankles. VASER Hi Def is an excellent option for men and women seeking a safe, effective way to slim and contour their lower body.

VASER Hi Def will additionally sculpt the muscles and leg tissue for a toned, athletic appearance. VASER Hi Def results have defined the world of liposuction and body contouring!

Do you have stubborn thigh fat, pockets of fat above your knees, or unsightly cankles? VASER Hi Def from Millard Plastic Surgery will safely and effectively transform your legs into a healthy, attractive shape.

Call Millard Plastic Surgery to schedule an informative consultation and learn more about the benefits of VASER Hi Def today!

VASER Hi Def in Denver

At Millard Plastic Surgery in Denver, you are guaranteed to receive top-quality results from a top-quality surgeon. Dr. Millard has a deep understanding of the fat structures of the leg, which allows him to tailor VASER Hi Def Liposuction at Millard Plastic Surgery to the unique physiology of every patient. Unlike some surgeons, Dr. Millard targets all pockets of visible fat to ensure results are as smooth and toned as possible!

Dr. John Millard was the first physician to perform Hi Def Liposuction in the United States. Thanks to his innovations with the VASER aspirator probe, the procedure is safer, more effective, and more delicate than ever.

Thanks to Dr. Millard’s innovation with the VASER probe, the ultrasound time required to break up fat is much shorter. This reduces bruising and swelling, ensuring a shorter, more comfortable recovery. Some surgeons tout the benefits of eliminating fat with laser energy, but the high heat can damage surrounding tissues. VASER safely breaks down fat by applying ultrasound energy to the tumescent fluid within the body. The air bubbles in the fluid will expand and contract, safely and gently breaking down the stubborn fat.

Your safety and comfort are Dr. Millard’s number one priority.

Once Dr. Millard breaks up the stubborn fat with the VASER ultrasound cannula, he will carefully extract the dislodged fat. Dr. Millard will sculpt the inner and outer thighs, knees, calves, and ankles as he removes unwanted fat. Patients will notice an improvement in both the size and contour of their legs within days of their procedure. VASER Hi Def Liposuction has additionally shown to tighten skin.

For patients interested in Fat Grafting, VASER ultrasound is an ideal fat collection method, as the ultrasound and agitated bubbles create space around the fat cells, but do not damage the fat cells themselves.

Dr. Millard uses VASER to sculpt the muscles in the leg and calf. As the final steps, some patients may receive fat grafting to further enhance the definition in their muscles. Dr. Millard may also carefully transfer fat to the subdermal areas of the thighs, knees, calves, and ankles to improve the appearance and tighten the skin.


Do you have fat on your thighs, knees, calves, or ankles that refuses to budge, no matter how much you diet and exercise? You may be a good candidate for the benefits of VASER Liposuction for legs.

Men and Women in the Denver area are excellent candidates to eliminate the fat on their inner and outer thighs, knees, and calves for a slim, toned appearance with VASER. VASER will also safely and delicately reduce unwanted ankle pad fat to reduce chubby ankles.

Because the VASER aspirator delicately removes fat and contours the body, patients can be kept comfortable with only local anesthetic. This will majorly reduce recovery times, making it an ideal body contouring option for people with busy schedules.

VASER can even sculpt away the appearance of cankles for a toned, defined calf and ankle line!

VASER Hi Def Liposuction is intended to help patients get rid of their stubborn, difficult-to-lose fat. VASER is not intended to be used as a weight loss solution. Candidates should have completed the majority of their intended weight loss before receiving VASER Hi Def for the thighs, knees, calves, or ankles. Major fluctuations in weight after any liposuction surgery can impact the sculpting and tight skin tone achieved with the surgery.

VASER Hi Def for Legs is an excellent option for patients who are at a stable weight and would like to put the “finishing touches” on their physique.

Smoking can interfere with the body’s ability to heal after surgery. Candidates for VASER Hi Def Liposuction for thighs, knees, calves, and ankles will need to discontinue smoking at least one week before their surgery date and for at least one week following.

Good candidates for VASER Hi Def Liposuction for Legs are those who have realistic expectations of the outcomes achievable with any cosmetic surgery.

Consultation in Denver, CO

You will receive a private consultation at Millard Plastic Surgery to answer any questions you may have about VASER Hi Def Liposuction. Dr. Millard will examine your body to assess your presenting fat, excess tissue, and skin laxity. He will make sure he gets a clear sense of your goals for the appearance of your inner or outer thighs, knees, calves, or ankles.

If you are a good candidate for VASER Hi Def Liposuction, Dr. Millard will work with you to create a treatment plan that addresses the unique needs of your anatomy.

Dr. Millard’s priority is to keep you safe and comfortable. He will go over your medical history and medication use to guarantee your treatment will be the best and most appropriate for YOU. He will also discuss your treatment preferences with you, such as whether you prefer local or general anesthetic. If you have any questions at all during or after your consultation at Millard Plastic Surgery in Lone Tree, CO, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.


The steps of every VASER Hi Def procedure are tailored to your unique goals. If applicable, deep fat will first be removed. Your circumferential subdermal fat will be removed from the leg as needed. Dr. Millard takes care to leave areas of subdermal fat in the legs to enhance contour and muscle definition.

Five Steps Of VASER Hi Def For Legs

Step 1: Subdermal Fat Removal
Step 2: Deep Fat Compartment Removal
Step 3: Partial Fat Removal from the Superficial Fat Compartment and Superficial Fat Reshaping, and Muscle Definition enhancement between muscle groups
Step 4: Intramuscular Fat Grafting — To enhance muscle size, projection, and shape as desired.
Step 5: Subdermal Fat Grafting — Enhances projection and tightness of the skin, which enhances youthfulness as desired.



Your obtained fat cells are sterilized and reinserted strategically into various muscle areas. This is a useful tool to enhance muscle projection, enhancement and size.


A useful technique to finetune shape over muscles, enhance tightness and projection of shape of the skin over muscles.

Dr. Millard uses autologous fat grafting to enhance calves (gastrocnemius) and thigh muscles (lateral and medial quadriceps). This sculpting medium is also used in gluteal enhancements, breast enhancements and in many other muscles of the body.


Patients will be monitored and approved for release the same day as their VASER Hi Def Liposuction for Legs. It is required to ask a friend or family member to drive you home following your VASER liposuction.

Before & After Photos

You will likely only need to take a few days off work to recover following your procedure. Strenuous activity should be avoided for the first two weeks following your VASER Hi-Def Liposuction. Healing profiles may vary. You will return to Millard Plastic Surgery for follow-up appointments to confirm that you are recovering comfortably.


You will see a major improvement in your thighs, knees, ankles, and calves within days! VASER Hi Def Liposuction is more gentle on the body than other methods of liposuction. This will majorly reduce any post-procedure bruising and swelling, speeding up how quickly you can enjoy your results. Your body will continue to heal and accept the changes from your VASER Liposuction over the weeks following your minimally-invasive body contouring surgery.

VASER Hi Def Lipo will permanently eliminate fat deposits from the legs. The fat cells should not ever return. If you maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid major weight gain, the results of your VASER Hi Def body contouring will last for years!

You will see your best, final results within six months. Your legs will have a slim, toned, tight, attractive contour: patients can’t wait to show off their legs after VASER Hi Def Lipo!

Do you live in the Denver area and struggle to achieve slim, toned legs? Dr. Millard will be happy to meet with you during a private consultation at Millard Plastic Surgery.


Does ankle liposuction hurt?

Thanks to his advancements with the VASER probe design, Dr. John Millard can slim and sculpt the ankle gently and skillfully, avoiding unnecessary strain on the ankle. Based on patient preference and Dr. Millard’s recommendation, patients are kept comfortable during their VASER Hi Def Liposuction for ankles procedure with local or general anesthetic. Patients experience minimal pain or discomfort.

Does ankle liposuction leave scars?

VASER requires only tiny incisions to perform. These incisions usually heal completely and are non-detectable. Post-procedure scarring will depend on how the patient cares for these incisions during their recovery and the patient’s individual skin.

How much does it cost to get VASER Hi Def Liposuction on your ankle?

The price of your VASER Hi Def Liposuction procedure will depend on the needs of your unique case. How much fat will be removed from the ankle, if other areas will be addressed, and the type of anesthesia will all affect the price of the treatment. Once you have completed your consultation and have received a personalized treatment plan, you will also receive your appropriate cost breakdown.